
Assorted acrylic painting

This page contains the few real acrylic paintings that I have. I still have most of my equipment to do additional paintings, it's just less convenient as it takes space to store the finished work (Ok, the thin canvas are not that big). But the biggest issue is the painting mixing which gets easily dry. So it becomes much harder because you must also forward plan you paint usage and constantly wash brush. It might be just easier to do it digitally, then print it on an acrylic canvas.

In miniature painting, I never mixed colors, you just took a dip in the bottle, and kept available many colors. As for oil painting, yes the paint takes time to dry, but now you need to was brush using solvent which is even more annoying. Apparently there is now mediums that make acrylic take more time to dry. I could eventually give it a try.

It's possible that the pictures you see differs slightly from the original in colors and relief since a scanner was used.

Wyrm Wild Web

  • Dimensions: 7"x5"
  • Medium: Acrylic painting on rigid canvas
  • Date : Unknown

This is my first painting. I tried something abstract to test how the medium worked and how it could be used. It represents the Wyrm Wild and Weaver in the world of darkness RPG. Unfortunately the painting was slighttly damaged ans scratched in a few places.

WyrmWildWeb.jpg: 2223x1634, 864k (May 28, 2019, at 02:00 AM)

Artifact book

  • Dimensions: 5"x7"
  • Medium: Acrylic painting on rigid canvas
  • date: Unknown

I tried to reproduce the picture on the back of Hero Quest's Artifact card. Now the main difference is the details on the top of the book cover were simplified with a spiral which is much less interesting than the original.

ArtifactBook.jpg: 1620x2209, 588k (May 28, 2019, at 02:00 AM)